Educational Master Plan Scorecard - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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The Crafton Hills College (CHC) Educational Master Planning Committee (EMPC) drafted an Educational Master Plan Scorecard to help track how well Crafton is achieving the goals and objectives in the CHC Comprehensive Master Plan.  In addition, the EMPC developed definitions for each achievement outcome measure ((i.e. Quantitative Effectiveness Indicators (QEIs)), and methodologies for each measure to set targets annually.  Five year trend data, definitions, and the target methodologies are available in the CHC Comprehensive Master Plan Scorecard document. The CHC Educational Master Plan Scorecard was reviewed by all students and approved by the Crafton Council on December 12, 2017.

QEIs Strategic Directions Current Year Target Prior Year Result Target Met in Prior Year Increase from Prior Year
Course Success Rate 1 & 3 73.0 72.9 No


Fall to Spring Retention

1 71.2


No  Yes
3YR English Throughput Rate 1 49.3 46.5 No Yes
3YR Math Throughput Rate 1 26.2 24.6 No No
Degrees/Certificates 1 1,066 1,072 Yes Yes
Transfer Rate 1 31.2 30.6 No Yes
CSU GPA 1  TBD 3.07 Yes  
Employee Satisfaction 2, 3, 6, 8, & 9 75.0 58.7  No Yes
Student Satisfaction 1, 2, 3, 7, & 9 85.0   Yes Yes
Active and Collaborative Learning 2 >50 54.4  Yes No
Student Effort 2 >50 53.8 Yes No
Academic Challenge 2 >50 53.2  Yes No
Student-Faculty Interaction 2 >50 50.9 Yes No
Support for Learners 2 >50 52.1  Yes Yes
% of Students Meeting ILOs 3 80.3 79.6 No Yes
Fall Unduplicated Headcount 4 5,927 5,811  No No
Annual Credit 320 FTES 4 4,519 4,178 No No
Demographic Diversity: % of AA, Hispanic, and NA Students 2, 4, & 5 54.8 55.2 Yes Yes
Demographic Diversity: % Female 2, 4, & 5 52.0 54.2 Yes Yes
Demographic Diversity: Average Age 2, 4, & 5 25 23.1 No No
Fall Capture Rate 4 & 5 49.6 49  No Yes
% of Students with Increase in Wages 5 25.5 23.1 No Yes
Committee Self-Evaluations 6 & 8 80.0 82.9 Yes No
75/25 Ratio 7 75.0 35 No No
Ratio of Square Footage to Number of Custodial Staff 7 15,000:1 20,459:1 No Yes
Student to Counselor Ratio 7 616:1 486:1 Yes Yes
FTES/FTEF Ratio Percentage of 17.5 9 83% 81.7 No No
WSCH/FTEF Ratio 9 436 429 No No