

CHC绝不容忍不当性行为. 当有人指控他行为不端时 to an appropriate employee's attention and a respondent is found to have violated any 性ual misconduct district policies, appropriate sanctions will be used to reasonably 确保此类行为不再发生. 以下信息仅供参考 to define community expectations and to establish a mechanism for determining when 这些期望被违背了. 同样,信息提供了报告选项 and on/off-campus resources to support students who have been victims of 性ual misconduct.

All CHC community members have the duty to understand student rights and responsibilities; therefore, our Board has adopted and posted policies and procedures relating to gender 平等和性别歧视:

For District policies and procedures relating to discrimination, harassment, 性ual assault, student rights, responsibilities, and code of conduct, as well as discipline, 请点击以下连结: 


Sexual Harassment under Title IX:  Conduct that satisfies one or more of the following:

  • Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the Crafton’s 教育项目或活动.
  • 性侵犯,包括下列罪行:
    • 性犯罪.  Any 性ual act directed against another person without the consent of the victim, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况.
    • 强奸罪(法定强奸罪除外).  The carnal knowledge of a person, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her/their age or because 他/她/他们暂时或永久的精神或身体丧失工作能力. 有肉体 知识如果有最轻微的插入生殖器或肛门打开 另一个人的身体.
    • 鸡奸.  未经本人同意,与他人进行口交或肛交的 victim, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况 because of his/her/their age or because of his/her/their temporary or permanent mental or 身体的能力.
    • 有物体性侵犯.  To use an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital 或者在未经受害者同意的情况下打开他人的肛门, 包括受害者没有能力给予同意的情况 because of his/her/their age or because 他/她/他们暂时或永久的精神或身体丧失工作能力.  An "object" or "instrument" is anything the offender uses other than the offender's 生殖器,e.g.手指,瓶子,手枪,棍子.
    • 被溺爱的人.  The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of 性ual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her/their age or because of his/her/their 残疾:暂时或永久的精神或身体上的残疾.
    • 性犯罪,非强制的非法的,非强制的性交.
      • 乱伦.  有亲属关系的人之间的非强制性交 在法律禁止结婚的范围内.
      • 法定强奸-非强制.  与未达到法定同意年龄的人发生性关系.  在那里 is no force or coercion used in Statutory Rape; the act is not an attack.
    • 约会暴力.  Violence against a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic 或者与受害者有亲密关系.  一种关系的存在将被确定 based on a consideration of the following factors:  the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons involved 在关系中.
    • 家庭暴力.  暴力承诺:
      • 受害者的现任或前任配偶或亲密伴侣;
      • 与受害人有共同子女的人;
      • By a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as a spouse 或亲密伴侣;
      • By a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of California; or
      • 任何其他人对成人或青少年受害者的伤害 违反加州的家庭暴力法.
    • 跟踪. 从事针对某一特定的人的一系列行为,从而导致 reasonable person to fear for his/her/their safety or the safety of others or suffer 严重的情绪困扰.


顾问:  Throughout the grievance process, both the Complainant and Respondent have a right 给他们选择的顾问.  如果一方在…时没有顾问 the hearing, Crafton must provide the Party with an Advisor of its choice, free of 负责.  Crafton可能会对顾问 may participate in the proceedings as long as the restrictions apply equally to both 方.

原告:  投诉人是指声称他/她/他们是行为的受害者的个人 这可能构成性骚扰.

同意:  Consent means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in 性ual 活动.  双方必须对性行为给予肯定的同意.  它是。 responsibility of each person involved in the 性ual 活动 to ensure that he/she/they has the affirmative consent of the other or others to engage in the 性ual 活动.  没有抗议,没有抵抗,或者沉默都不表示同意. 肯定的 consent must be ongoing throughout a 性ual 活动 and one can revoke his/her/their 任何时候的同意.  当事人之间存在约会关系, or the fact of past 性ual relations between them, is not an indicator of consent.

The Respondent’s belief that the Complainant consented will not provide a valid defense 除非这种信念是真实合理的,基于事实和情况 被投诉人在事件发生时知道,或合理地应该知道.  在下列情况下,被申请人的信念不构成有效抗辩:

  • The Respondent’s belief arose from the Respondent’s own intoxication or recklessness;
  • The Respondent did not take reasonable steps to ascertain whether the Complainant affirmatively consented; or
  • 被投诉人知道或一个合理的人应该知道投诉人 was unable to consent because the Complainant was incapacitated, in that the Complainant 是:
    • 睡着的或无意识的;
    • unable to understand the fact, nature, or extent of the 性ual 活动 due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication; or
    • 由于精神或身体状况而不能交流的.

决策者: The person who will oversee the live hearing and make a determination of responsibility. 决策者不能是第九条协调员或调查员.

正式投诉:  由投诉人或第九条协调员签署的书面投诉,指控 性骚扰并请求调查. 如果第九条协调员签字 ,他/她/他们将不会成为投诉的一方.

方:  在本程序中,指的是投诉人和被投诉人.

被申请人:  A Respondent is an individual reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could 构成性骚扰.


什么是同意? 请看这个视频!  茶与同意(Vimeo) or 茶与同意(YouTube).